Meet Alex!  This gentleman is one of the kindest, most genuine people you’ll ever meet.  Back when I started Selah Images, I wrote articles and did photography for his newspaper (now magazine) The Good News New York …definitely check it out!  I also helped him with small business networking breakfasts that he held monthly and was able to make great connections along the way.  Alex helped me get my baby business off the ground!  When my Grandpa was sick with cancer, he dropped everything and went to the hospital to pray with him.  This act of kindness is something me and my family will be thankful for for eternity.  Since then, I’ve done Senior Pictures for his sons and it’s always a joy to see him and his family!  Now, Alex is starting to do some commercial and architectural photography and needed some updated headshots.  I am so excited to do these for him and for his new adventure!  Enjoy the Sneak Peeks and be sure to check out The Good News New York!